Friday, 16 December 2016

Some of the work the greenstaff have been undertaking in the last fortnight. Atypical time of year to do these much needed works.

This the willow to the right of the 7th tee near the front of the tee which will open up the area. some of the overhanging Canopies have been removed in line with the recommendations of the "Yorkshire Wildlife Trust"

Below Peter is removing the 10th hedge which for many years was OOB, thanks to advice from Yorkshire Union Of Golf Clubs, the OOB was removed and opened up.

The trees in the pond have also been removed to open up the pond which enables you to see it from both the 10th and 11th holes.

We have cleaned the entire run of ditches on the course, this is essential to allow the water to flow freely away from the course. Hopefully it enables the course to open more during the long winter months.

We have finished the bridge and now hand rails on the bridge over the 7th hole. This was becoming very weak and has been culverted. This will become the style of hand railings for any future bridges constructed. In Spring the area will be astro turfed, at the moment the weather will not allow this but it is expected in Spring.

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