Friday, 16 December 2016

Some of the work the greenstaff have been undertaking in the last fortnight. Atypical time of year to do these much needed works.

This the willow to the right of the 7th tee near the front of the tee which will open up the area. some of the overhanging Canopies have been removed in line with the recommendations of the "Yorkshire Wildlife Trust"

Below Peter is removing the 10th hedge which for many years was OOB, thanks to advice from Yorkshire Union Of Golf Clubs, the OOB was removed and opened up.

The trees in the pond have also been removed to open up the pond which enables you to see it from both the 10th and 11th holes.

We have cleaned the entire run of ditches on the course, this is essential to allow the water to flow freely away from the course. Hopefully it enables the course to open more during the long winter months.

We have finished the bridge and now hand rails on the bridge over the 7th hole. This was becoming very weak and has been culverted. This will become the style of hand railings for any future bridges constructed. In Spring the area will be astro turfed, at the moment the weather will not allow this but it is expected in Spring.

Aeration - Compaction Relieve 

Soil compaction is one of the most common problems found on the golf course. This is mainly due to the fact that golf is played 365 days of the year in both dry and wet conditions. When the soil is wet, compaction problems are exacerbated. 
Compaction is also greatly influenced by the type of indigenous soil present; for example a clay-based soil is normally more prone to compaction than a sandy soil due to the nature of the soil particles (texture). If regular aeration work is not carried out, soil compaction will build up throughout the season. If this occurs the large pores within the soil structure (which influence the movement of water through the soil) are reduced or lost. If water cannot move through the soil, water logging of the surface will occur during rainfall. Other growth factors will also be affected such as beneficial bacterial activity, available oxygen and the uptake of nutrients. In this situation the grass sward will deteriorate quickly. 

Type of Aeration 

The most important principle is to make sure that the whole of the soil profile is aerated. This will allow water to move from the surface, through the soil profile and into the drainage system (once field capacity is reached) or to naturally filter away. However one of the biggest problems on fairways is deep compaction. 

Over the last 15 years the most significant innovation in deep compaction relieve has been the introduction of the Verti Drain type machine. On golf course fairways (and most other turf areas on the course) this type of machine is widely used as part of the overall program to relieve compaction. Verti drain treatment is normally restricted to once a year or every two years, although some clubs use it more regularly (normally the ones that own their own machine). 

There are no set guidelines for frequency or 'tine type' although turf managers normally prefer to use larger diameter tines in the autumn and the smaller tines in the spring, although number of treatments and timing depend on individual circumstances. It is also worth noting that the larger tine will cause more surface disruption, which might not be acceptable

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

We still have a few places available for New Years Eve Party Night.

New Years Eve
Time:7pm for 7:30pm
Cost :£27.50 (Including Entertainment)

please enquire for availability.
The conifer trees have been removed from the left hand side of the 14th Hole, this is to try and improve the fairways on the 10th and 14th holes, particularly around the green and bunker area. They take massive amounts of goodness out of the soil and also take natural sunlight.

We wait to see how it improves...........

 We have been working hard over the start of the winter, on recommendation of England Golf we have removed some of the tress around the pond which have come into play from the 10th tee. Along with removing the hedge this has opened up the whole area.
This will encourage growth of the other trees around the pond area with more natural light, as we have seen between the fifth and sixth holes. Along with the longer grass that we have grown up during summer it will still be very penal should you be in it.

The message is still keep straight and on the fairway!.